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Visit to University Dining Hall Early at Dawn

Early at dawn on September 5, Juche 36(1947) President Kim Il Sung got to the front gate of

Kim Il Sung University breaking the thick fog and silence, and quietly knocked at the door of the guardroom.

The guards were so surprised to see President Kim Il Sung with benevolent smile on his face that they forgot to greet him and stood still before him.

Looking at them, he tenderly asked them whether there was any leading official who had taken charge of the university affairs during the night.

Not long after, informed by a guard, the general manager of welfare supply service of the university rushed up to him, tidying up his attire.

President Kim Il Sung warmly shook his hand and moved before him towards the newly enlarged dining hall.

On entering the dining hall he asked the general manager about its accommodation capacity and the number of boarding students. Then, he asked him to bring him boiled rice and soup.

The general manager hesitated with embarrassment and then, went to the pass-through.

After a while, he hesitatingly brought the food to President Kim Il Sung.

With kind smile on his face, President Kim Il Sung unceremoniously tasted a spoonful of soup, and looking at the bowl of boiled rice, he quietly said that the amount of boiled rice looked not enough.

After a moment’s thought, he kindly said to the general manager that he would send wheat flour to the university so that buns were made for students.

The general manager felt a lump in his throat.

President Kim Il Sung earnestly requested the general manager overwhelmed by surging emotion to take paternal care of students.

He always paid deep attention to students, valuable treasure of the country, so that they could study in good health without any worries.

With such a fervent paternal affection for students, he came to Kim Il Sung University early at dawn and took a benevolent measure to supply buns to them.