Steady Development and Introduction of Advanced Teaching Methods


True to the intention of the Workers’ Party of Korea to intensify the education of pupils and students in foreign languages, the general education sector pushes forward the innovative efforts for more intensive foreign languages education.

First of all, they put efforts to restructuring the contents of textbooks in such a way that pupils can learn foreign languages with greater interests and on the basis of principles.

In addition, they push ahead with development of the teaching methods which help pupils master the methods and fundamental principles of learning foreign languages more easily.

Accordingly, development of studying methods suited to the age and psychological characteristics of pupils are now in full swing, and a lot of educational administrators and teachers are involved in developing the teaching methods which enable them to acquire

They also work hard to make innovation in the methods of assessing the academic achievements of students, reinforce teachers and improve their qualifications.

At present, the intensive training centers of all levels give substantial training on teaching methods and refreshment courses to improve the foreign language proficiency of not only foreign languages teachers but all other teachers, in which course they acquire the methods of teaching foreign languages which help students learn them easily on the basis of principles.

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