Ancient Korean History Book “The Heritage of Three States”


“The Heritage of Three States”, along with the “Chronicles of Three States”, is known as the oldest history book among the existing national classical heritages.

This book, written by Monk Ilyon(1206~1289) in the late 13th century, was the record of unofficial history, including the history of the ancient states in Korea and Koryo with main focus on Koguryo, Paekje and Silla, and the anecdotes about the renowned monks.

In the book, which is divided into 5 volumes and 9 parts, the beginning of the first volume describes the “Royal Chronicles” of the three states — Koguryo, Paekje and Silla, and of Karak Dynasty; the remaining part of the 1st Volume and the 2nd Volume carries 36 articles about the royal chronicles of different kingdoms and Silla that had come into being after ancient Joson, as well as 23 articles about later Silla, later Paekje and Karak dynasties.

From the 3rd Voluume to the 5th Volume are recorded the articles about the monks who had made great service to propagation of Buddhism and other renowned monks, and about the pagodas, Buddhist images bells in famous mountains and temples.

The book also includes 14 old Korean folk songs (transliterated version of Korean songs in Chinese characters) and other verses, narratives, origin of the names of ancient places, architectural structures, customs, as well as quite a few valuable data about the literature, arts, sculptures, language, geography, folklore and other fields.

As the “Heritage of Three States”, in spite of a series of its historical limitations, includes richer and more valuable information than other history books, it is now one of the valuable bibliographic heritages indispensable for the study of Korean history and culture.

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