E-Library of Pyongyang University of Transport


Since October, 2016, the e-library of Pyongyang University of Transport has been playing the role of database and the center of scientific and technological extension for the sector of railway transport.

The 4-storied e-library has reading halls and rooms with one-time service capacity of 370 persons, e-reading capacity of 240 persons and storing capacity of 50 000 books. In addition, it is furnished with all necessary conditions for scientific research of lecturers and researchers and study of students, including a reading room of newspapers and journals, an e-reading hall, an access to domestic networks, language labs, a conference hall, a scientific and technological exchange room, a distance lecture room, internet service room, etc.

In this wonderful e-library, the teaching staff and students of the university study hard to prepare themselves to be talents who will play a pivotal role in the country’s transport.

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