Total posts: 17
New Generations Grow Up With National Flag In Their Hearts
The Night Wears On, But …
The night of July silently wears on, but all families across the country are unable to go to bed.
The Country which Regards Education of Rising Generations as Top Priority
The press and media of different countries praise DPR Korea as it regards education as an important undertaking which determines the rise or fall of the country and future of the nation and brings into brilliant reality the lofty idea of the Workers’ Party of Korea on giving importance to education.
Precious Result of Policy of Giving Primary Importance to Youth Admired by the Press in Different Countries
DPR Korea has brilliantly solved the youth issue and demonstrates to the whole world its might as a youth power by creating one myth of heroic youth after another. This proud reality of DPR Korea arouses a great sensation in the international community.
Staff Members of Diplomatic Missions in DPR Korea Visit Pyongyang Baby Home and Pyongyang Orphanage
The staff members of diplomatic missions in DPR Korea visited Pyongyang Baby Home and Pyongyang Orphanage which have wonderfully been set up as cradles of happiness for orphans under the warm love of the Workers’ Party of Korea for posterity. They looked round different places there and enjoyed the children’s art performance.