Total posts: 325
Viewpoint and Attitude to the Party and Revolution
One day in May, 2013 General Secretary Kim Jong Un had a talk with the leading officials on dynamically stepping up the building of a powerful socialist nation by marking a turn in the development of science and technology.
Everything Best for Rising Generations
One day General Secretary Kim Jong Un visited Paeumuicholligil(400 km-long journey for learning made by President Kim Il Sung at the age of 12) Schoolchildren’s Palace.
Resounding Sound of Advancing Socialism
A few years ago, in February, General Secretary Kim Jong Un visited Pyongyang Primary School for Orphans, and with great satisfaction, looked around the school which was furnished with the best educational environment and living conditions.
Absolute Must for Everybody
One day in May, 2014 General Secretary Kim Jong Un visited a machine-building factory.
Honorable Mission to Be Cherished Deep in Heart
10 years ago, in January, 2014 General Secretary Kim Jong Un visited the State Academy of Sciences in spite of the coldest weather of the year.