Training of Talents
Total posts: 331

Ambitious Goal of Leading the World
Kim Chaek University of Technology pushes forward to a higher level the preparation of all its students into genuine revolutionaries and competent talents of creative ability.

Trained Into Talents Of Practical Ability
The leading officials and teaching staff of Pyongyang University of Transport make progress in training their students into talents of creative and practical ability who can make positive contributions to the building of a powerful socialist nation.

At All Factories and Other Work Places
All factories and work places in DPR Korea have excellent science and technology extension rooms frequented by the working people.

Blessed Triplets
In the picture are Jon O Gyong, Jon Song Dok and Jon San Gyong from Pothonggang Primary School in Pothonggan District, Pyongyang, the triplets who live happily and develop their talents to their hearts’ content under the warm care of the Workers’ Party of Korea.

Strong Wind of Creating New Teaching Methods
Moranbong Middle School No. 1 in Pyongyang makes substantial successes in creating new teaching methods, true to the task set forth by the 4th Plenary Meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea to further consolidate the prodigy educational system and train a large number of good scientific and technological talents who can be core and traction engine in several fields.