Technicians and Skilled Workers Make Up Major Force
One day in July, Juche 107(2018) General Secretary
That day General Secretary
In spite of the sultry weather of the hottest season, he looked around different places of the rest home. Then, sitting unceremoniously on a simple wooden bed, he asked a county official about the situation of the industry in the region.
When he was explained about it, he taught that the condiment factory should be modernized in proper way, that the essential thing in its modernization was to make its production process unmanned and dust-free, and that it would be advisable to visit the units highly appreciated by the Party to learn from their achievements and experience.
And he stressed: In order to hit the goal of normal production and modernization of the regional industrial factories in the county, it is essential to arouse the technicians and skilled workers available in the county. Science and technology constitute the most important resources for development of the county and the technicians and skilled workers in the county make up the major force for development of the county.
Technicians and skilled workers make up the major force!
His teaching gave fresh encouragement to the official.
His teaching carried a profound implication that science and technology should be given priority for all work and it is essential for it to attach primary importance to talented people.