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Real Big Profit

One day General Secretary Kim Jong Un visited a sci-tech learning space of one factory.

He praised the factory for having built a very good sci-tech learning space in line with the Party’s plan and intention.

To tell the truth, the excellent sci-tech learning space was associated with the careful guidance of General Secretary Kim Jong Un.

At the beginning, the officials had thought that the factory would produce foodstuff, and with the profit from it, make it more modern and improve the living standard of its employees, thus gaining profitability.

But General Secretary Kim Jong Un had advised that it would be inconsistent for the factory to produce foodstuff and he instructed them to build a sci-tech learning space. Accordingly, they had been belatedly able to build a wonderful sci-tech learning space as it was now.

General Secretary Kim Jong Un looked around the sci-tech learning space for a long time with a broad smile on his face.

Looking up to benevolent General Secretary Kim Jong Un, the officials were deeply impressed by his teachings.

It is more profitable to disseminate scientific and technological knowledge to the employees and improve their technical knowledge and skills.