World-Class Scholar Jin Hak Son
Mr. Jin Hak Son from the Energy Science Faculty of
He intensified his research with a resolve to live up with high practical ability to the love and benevolence of the Party which had enrolled him, a child from an ordinary worker’s family in Sinhung County of South Hamgyong Province in
Through his joint study with the foreign scholars he proposed the PAEAM theory to solve the pending problem in the field of atomic interaction potential theory.
He published 20 valuable papers in the authoritative SCI and EI international academic journals, and held the PhD degree by defending the doctorate dissertation “Study on the analytical precision interstitial atom method and the material properties of metal and intermetallic compound nuclear material”.
He also had his name recorded in the world dictionary “Who’s Who” as a scholar representative of the DPRK and was awarded the Nelson Prize in 2018.
He devoted himself to education of the rising generations to produced many disciples, including 5 holders of master’s degree.
One of his students developed his PAEAM theory to propose EAEAM theory of and published the results of his study in the British Royal Society journal “Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering”.
The future of our socialist country is bright and rosy, as it has the best socialist education system in the world that values even the buds of small talents and makes them bear fruit and many patriotic scientists and educators who think first of the dignity of the country and the scientific development than their own family happiness.