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Repeated Emphasis

One year General Secretary Kim Jong Un visited the scientific and technological knowledge dissemination hall of Sinpho Deep-Sea Fishing Complex.

While looking around the interior of the hall, he stressed that development of the country depended on that of science and technology and not only scientists and technicians but also all other people should be involved in scientific and technological research.

The officials were lost in deep thought.

Though well aware of the importance of science and technology, they had merely thought that it was concerned only with particular scientists and technicians.

As a result, the complex had newly set up its scientific and technological knowledge dissemination hall but failed to operate it in an active way.

As if to bring attention to their wrong attitude,

General Secretary Kim Jong Un continued: All people should master modern science and technology and solve all problems with recourse to it.

To this end, all people should be enrolled in the study-while-working system and study hard and all units should set up proper scientific and technological knowledge dissemination bases and operate them on a regular basis.

His teaching made the officials look at the hall from a new angle.

It was not the place merely for scientific and technological study.

Small as it might be, it seemed to them as a treasure house for bigger haul of fish which, in turn, would enrich the dietary life of our people, as the biggest place at the complex.