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Laughter Resounding on March 8

March 8, the international women’s day, has come when the happy laughter of our women echoes high in the sky.

How beautiful and joyful their laughter is!

How can we think of our life full of love and affection without such bright and attractive laughter?

They busy themselves all the time with bringing up their children and managing their families, but they always have bright smile on their faces, which creates the harmonious atmosphere in each and every family.

Dear home, happy children, joy of returning home, songs reverberating in the nocturnal sky and other things are inconceivable apart from their laughter.

Indeed, their laughter constitutes the root for affection, harmony, delight and pleasure in families.

And the effect of their laughter goes beyond the boundary of a family.

Our women come into fuller bloom as flowers of the country, life and families as they firmly defend their respective posts, always with bright smile on their faces.

In families they cultivate the flower of harmony in families, and at their work sites, they add vigor to creation and innovation. This is the truly beautiful image of theirs all of us cherish deep in mind.

People usually say that one can foresee present and future of the society from the faces of women.

Happy laughter of women is, indeed, valuable treasure indispensible for our socialist home overflowing with laudable virtues and affection, and a song of blessed life flourishing under the warm rays of the father.

When our people meet March 8, they look back in surging emotion on the unforgettable day.

It was March 8, Juche 101(2012). That day there was a commemoration concert in the presence of General Secretary Kim Jong Un.

Tears welled up in the eyes of all women across the country when they saw on TV General Secretary

Kim Jong Un with bright smile on his face.

Nobody imagined even in dream that such a wonderful concert would be staged as it was not long after the greatest national disaster.

General Secretary Kim Jong Un had been concerned more than anybody else about our women full of pure affection and feeling, who would meet March 8 in tears.

Every country and nation has women, but we cannot find such women as ours who meet the international women’s day under such warm blessing.

With laughter resounding on March 8, our people started the advance of the new century of Juche calendar with stronger faith and will to entrust their destiny and future to the great person.

It is the unanimous belief and will of all our people that our future is boundlessly bright and promising as we are led by the great Party.

In this advance of faith and will, a lot of women have become Labour Heroes, People’s Sportswomen and innovators.

We can always see our women at dream-like honorable meetings which are held in the presence of General Secretary Kim Jong Un.

Still ringing in our ears is the happy laughter of our women they burst out on March 8 over 10 years ago whenever we see our women blessed with great honor and happiness.

The happy laughter of our women resounding high in the sky on March 8 represents the optimism and belief in sure victory expressed from the bottom of their hearts by our women who enjoy high respect as makers of history pushing forward one of the wheels of revolution, as mothers of the future pillars of our nation, and as home-makers adding beauty to the grand flower garden of single-hearted unity, in the warm bosom of our gracious Party and socialist motherland.