Family Photo
In a family photo taken at a happy flat in Kyongru-dong, the wonderful terrace of beads, is Kim Kwang Min who studies in the 2nd Year of Building Engineering Department, Transport Building Engineering Faculty, Pyongyang University of Transport.
Kim Kwang Min is parentless, but the Party took warm care of him at the baby home and the orphanage through to the primary school and secondary school for orphans, and has enrolled him in Pyongyang University of Transport, the highest institute for training the talents demanded by the field of transport.
Now, his foster father is Yun Kwang Yong, the dean of the faculty at which he studies, and his foster mother is Kim Kyong Suk, a civil servant at the Ministry of Railways.
In the wonderful, palace-like new flat in Kyongru-dong provided to them by the benevolent Party, Kim Kwang Min lives happy and pleasant life, taking the affection of his generous father and that of his meticulous mother all to himself.
The blessed orphans, who grow up in this beautiful garden overflowing with unknown affection rather than known affection, exclaim loudly to the whole world that our home is our Party and we are the happiest in the world.