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The Best Things for Children

One day in September Juche 50(1961), President Kim Il Sung, on his field trip around Kangwon Province, personally visited a shoolchildren’s camp and met the campers there.

Looking affectionately at the children around him, he paternally asked one by one how many days they had stayed at the camp, what food they were served, whether they were not scared of the sea, what games they enjoy best and so on.

Looking at the vast sea, he told the officials that it was natural for our children to enjoy themselves to their heart’s content at such a wonderful place. Then, he continued earnestly that it had been a right decision to provide the best place to children, and that all best things should be given to them.

After a while, he went to the dining hall. There, he acquainted himself in detail with the nutritional value of food on the caloric analysis table and taught to increase food provision and cater them with their favourite eggs, fruit and sugar.

In a campers’ bedroom, he noted that the cotton quilts felt too large and heavy and that blanks were better than them in summer. Then, he stressed in earnest that the quilts for children should be threaded. without exception.

Looking round the camp, he taught in detail how to spruce up the camp to suit the tastes and interests of children, for example, to replace water taps with better ones, to hang pictures to their liking along the corridors, to change the mirrors with bigger ones so that they could see their whole bodies, and so on.

That day, he emphasized time and again that nothing should be spared for our children, and that the best things should be dedicated to children.

The officials were filled with sublime emotion, looking up to the President who cared even about trifles in children’s camping life.