Undying Bell Sound of Love
One day in February Juche 73(1984) a girl teacher of a branch school on an islet came to the shore only to be at a loss what to do as the sea route was frozen by the rigorous cold.
She was on her way back to the islet after attending the intensive course for teachers during the winter vacation, but the sudden bitter cold had frozen the sea, blocking the sea route.
At the thought of her students who must be anxiously waiting for her, she was weeping in her heart when an official unexpectedly asked her to get ready for departure as a helicopter would take off for her soon.
Surprised at the unexpected information, she could not believe her ears, but when she was give the explanation, she could not check her tears welling up from her eyes.
On receiving the report that the branch school on the islet could not start the new semester because of the blocked sea route, Chairman
Accordingly, a helicopter took off with only one girl teacher under the warm care of the Chairman, who took all possible affectionate measures for the posterities and education.
Under such warm care of his, the branch school on the lighthouse islet rang the undying bell signaling the opening of a new semester on the same day, and at the same time as all other schools across the country.