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Instant Insight Into Textbook Problem

One summer day in Juche 58(1969), President Kim Il Sung, on his way back from his field guidance, suddenly asked his driver to stop the car as he saw some children coming back from school.

He looked affectionately at the children rushing towards him in cheers, and when they got to him, he asked them which school they attended, in what grade they studied, where they lived and so on. Then, he took off their schoolbags, looked into their pencil-cases, textbooks and notebooks. And he praised them for their well-cared textbooks and good handwriting.

The President kindly asked one of the children whether he had group study back home and what was its good point.

He repeatedly advised them to study hard and said farewell to them. Then, in the running car, he quietly said children were very honest. And recalling the boy’s answer that he liked group study because he could share textbooks with others, he drew the conclusion that textbooks were in short supply. A shadow passed over his face.

Not all after, he called the meeting of the Political Committee of the Party Central Committee and put the textbooks for children as an important agenda item.

He learned how many textbooks should be printed and how much paper would be needed for them. Then, saying that the most memorable moment for children was when they received textbooks at school, he earnestly stressed that they should never carry empty bags.

Noting that the paper for textbooks should be supplied without fail even by putting off the printing of other publications for the time being, he took measures for solving the paper problem. Having calculated the printing capacity of textbooks, he took the benevolent step to enlist the printing shop under the control of a certain establishment. Not contended with it, he saw to it that the preparatory committee for the new school semester be set up with the membership of leading officials of the capital, provinces, cities and counties.

Concluding the meeting that day, he earnestly said: We are all parents. This meeting of the Political Committee is something like a parent-teacher meeting. It would be pity if we met in vain for solving the issue related to children’s study.

Shortly after the meeting all schoolchildren across the country were supplied with new textbooks.

Indeed, President Kim Il Sung was the true, meticulous father of all children throughout the country.