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Love permeated in “Sonamu” schoolbag

“Sonamu” schoolbag, enjoyed by our school children today!

It is marked with the lofty love of Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un for rising generations.

On the field guidance to the Kim Jong Suk Pyongyang textile mill in December, Juche103(2014), the supreme leader set forth a task to newly establish a modern fabric-producing process for schoolbag in the factory, saying that the party would fully take in hand the matters arose in producing uniforms, shoes, stationaries and bags for our school children.

The supreme leader, who visited to this factory again in January, Juche105(2016), examined several types of schoolbags one by one to be used by our children and was hugely delighted to see that they were well made without inferiority in accordance with sex distinction, age and psychological and body characteristics. Saying how good it was to establish a modern, nationalized fabric-producing base in the factory, he brightly smiled, imagining of our happy children who would go to school with the schoolbags on their shoulders.

Indeed, the supreme leader’s love for rising generations is the great father’s one who wants to give ten for one and a hundred or a thousand for ten.